CIU Online Applicant Payment Module Compulsory fields are marked with *.
{{ flash_message }}
{{ errors.student_no.toString() }}

{{ errors.captcha.toString() }}

{{ student.firstname }} {{ student.surname }}
{{ student.application_no }}
Current Exchange Rate: 1 Euro (€) = 43.1265 Turkish Lira (₺)
{{ student.student_no }} / {{ student.firstname }} {{ student.surname }}
{{ student.application_no }}
The maximum amount you can pay is 1000 TRY

You must read and accept the Policy of Confidentiality and Security, Service Contract and Provisions Concerning Annulation and Refund documents before proceeding to your payment via Virtual-POS.

1) Policy of Confidentiality and Security
2) Service Contact
3) Provisions Concerning Annulation and Refund